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Items filtered by date: December 2021

Friday, 17 March 2017 11:53

A sudden visit to Kafr-Saad

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president suddenly visits the university’s stduents in the university hostel in Kafr-Saad and listens to the complaints of the students and the employees in the university hostel.  The university president was accompanied by Wahid Khalawy, the secretary of the university.

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 Benha University invites the faculties’ members, researchers, the university’s graduates to take part in the annual international qs questionnaire as follows: SID=SV_b7yHYnd9WYbsGPP .

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The participants in the illegal immigration conference recommend that the youth should be provided with the proper environment to understand this phenomenon as a social, economic and humanitarian crisis in addition to figuring out long-term solutions and fighting its causes, like poverty, unemployment, wars, catastrophes and following, instead, a national strategy for development and making use of people’s potentials.

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Saturday, 11 March 2017 10:18

The library of the faculty of law

It is a specialized university library in the field of law that was set up in 1997 and it includes many scientific dissertations which tackle a lot of law-related issues.  

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The faculty of law hosts the French delegation today and the delegation inspects the halls and the library of the faculty.         

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Thursday, 02 March 2017 10:18

Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail to the faculty of law

Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president visits the faculty of law and he makes sure that everything is up and running in the faculty.  

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Benha University organizes many workshops in its faculties to warn the employees against corruption from 18-2-2017 to 28-2-2017. These workshops are in the frame of the university's plan to fight corruption. These workshops are held under the auspices of the minister of higher education and prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-kady, the university president. 

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The president of Benha University, the deputies, the faculties' deans, the faculties' members, the teaching assistants and the students condemn the terrorist attack in the north of Sinai against the Christians. The university stands firm and united in the face of terrorism and those who conspire against Egypt. 

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Prof.Dr. Muhammad El-Nashar, The former minister of higher education thanks Benha University for holding the Egyptian education forum. This statement concurs with his presence the concluding ceremony of the education forum in which the recommendations were drawn, a musical performance was held, the participants were awarded. The former minister urges the supreme council of the universities to hold this forum annually. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university president asserts that the majority opinion should be respected even it doesn't accord with personal opinion. This statement concurs with the university president' constant participation in the workshop of the faculties' members, the teaching assistants and the stduents in order to hold the first education forum form 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017 and draw important and comprehensive recommendation to refer them to the minister of higher education. 

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